Scope Of Project

Creation of a web-based database recording the lives of the soldiers named on the Batley and Birstall War Memorials. The records to link the soldiers to local Memorials and have facilities to add historical information to the soldier’s record e.g. photographs, press cuttings, family stories, medal citations and so forth.

Creation of a web-based database of all the War Memorials in Batley and Birstall covering all formats including Churches, Schools, Clubs, Factories and Public Buildings

Over the four year war period to release obituary information about soldiers killed in the 100 year anniversary month starting from August 2014.

To create and thereafter maintain three panel information boards – updated monthly and placed in Batley and Birstall Library; St Peter’s Church Birstall; (and two other sites) – to show ….

To produce a monthly news-sheet “The Batley and Birstall BUGLE” summarising the monthly detail in the three panel information boards for distribution in Churches; Schools;

Libraries and other Public Buildings (anticipated 250 copies produced)

To take an active part in the annual BATLEY FESTIVAL with a different theme each year …

To form a relationship with West Yorkshire Drama Group (based in Heckmondwike) to educate their pupils and then develop a series of plays, following the themes above, that can be performed at the Batley Festival and also made available to schools and other interested parties (History Groups, Church Groups etc)

Placement of wreaths on the graves of soldiers buried in Batley and Birstall Cemetery on the 100 monthly anniversary of date they were killed.

Creation of First World War Cemetery Walks for Batley and Birstall Cemeteries and simple refurbishment of the graves as necessary.

To provide as requested support to school projects to ensure that the soldiers from Batley and Birstall are included in the history projects undertaken locally during the Centenary period.

To give talks to Church Groups, Schools and other interested parties about the project and about the local story of the war.

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